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Agoraphobia Counseling

Agoraphobia is severe anxiety and fear about being in or anticipating situations where escape might be difficult or impossible, or a situation where help may not be available in the event of having a panic attack. Feared situations can include using public transportation, being in open spaces, being in enclosed spaces, standing in line, being in a crowd, or being outside of the home alone. These situations are actively avoided, travel may be restricted, or routes changed to reduce distress. The feelings of anxiety, fear, and avoidance must persist for a minimum of six months and cause distress and impairment in one’s social, occupational or academic, or personal life.

The Role of Avoidance

Avoiding what we fear actually makes that fear grow. For example, if someone is afraid of being in an open space, then they will avoid open spaces. Avoidance reduces our exposure to the feared object or situation, thus never allowing ourselves to re-learn what we fear may not be as bad as we perceive. The feared object or situation will grown our minds when left unchallenged. When we challenge what we fear, it allows our brains to re-learn that the object or situation is not as scary as we once perceived.

Treatment for Agoraphobia

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Exposure Therapy (also known as Systematic Desensitization) are the most effective treatments for Agoraphobia. These therapies consist of learning relaxation techniques and how to better tolerate anxiety, challenge thoughts and fears, and improve coping skills.

Our clinicians are trained and have experience in providing these evidence-based treatments.

For more information or questions, please call our office at (847) 461-8414

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